Arnavutkoy Municipality

TURBOARD custom-built a “360-degree Performance Appraisal System” empowered with business intelligence capabilities for Aranvutköy Municipality.
As a municipality serving a district that consists of 38 neighborhoods with a total population exceeding 312k residents, while competing with other districts and cities to rapidly develop and provide integrated services to everyone, they constantly seek ways to improve and speed up their processes and increase overall productivity.
An important factor that would boost the overall productivity and performance of the municipality is regular, systematic performance appraisal of the municipality's employees to understand their potential for future growth and development, mentor them for better performance, and determine compensation packages, wage structures, and salary raises.
However, employees’ performance appraisal process was done manually by the HR department and via the traditional ways. For this reason, Arnavutköy Municipality needed an automated system that would help their HR department evaluate, monitor and track the performance of the different departments and for all the employees in a dynamic and speedy manner.
Arnavutköy Municipality submitted a call for tender to find a software company that can present a system addressing the municipality’s needs.
TURBOARD heard about the tender from its business partner Beyazweb Technologies, who is also the IT support provider of Arnavutköy Municipality, and decided to apply for it. Eventually, Arnavutköy Municipality chose TURBOARD to execute the project.
TURBOARD’s approach was to utilize BI tools and present a system that would otherwise only address the basic functionalities of a traditional performance appraisal system.
TURBOARD designed and developed a custom platform for a “360-degree Performance Appraisal System” in which the performance appraisal is done in a full-fledged way, and would noticeably eliminate the manual workload, allow the employees to become involved in the appraisal process, and provide insights, analysis and meaningful reports on all the processes of the system.
TURBOARD’s “360-degree Performance Appraisal System” is used by the HR department as a separate platform, in which they easily create, monitor and distribute various evaluation and feedback forms to all the employees of the municipality.
The appraisal results and the employees’ feedback are automatically collected and calculated in the platform, and measured against the performance and goals through the scorecards approach that is also utilized as part of the platform.
The implementation of the “360-degree Performance Appraisal System” has proven beneficial in enabling managers to make precise and impartial decisions while providing an objective assessment of employee performance. Moreover, it has significantly enhanced employees' motivation to improve their performance by offering them a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.

İlkay Sarı - Director of Information Technology at Arnavutköy Municipality  

By using TURBOARD’s “360-degree Performance Appraisal System”, Arnavutköy municipality is able to:
  • Easily and speedily create evaluation forms and automatically distribute them to the related employees with auto-notification features, follow-up and analysis reports,
  • Automatically calculate payroll appraisals, salary increases, compensation packages and bonuses for the employees of the municipality,
  • Monitor, track, and automatically measure achievements and performance progress vs. goals on employee and department levels,
  • Drive competition, motivation, self-awareness and self-development amongst the employees of the municipality to enhance performance and increase productivity,
  • Highlight employees’ strengths and weaknesses to review and retain the promotional and other training programmes,
  • Enhance transparency, integrity and openness in communication between management and staff,
  • Reduce expenses associated with both manual processing of performance appraisals and consumables that were previously used,
  • Easily prepare performance development plans based on scorecards and KPIs results.

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